Monday 7 November 2016

3 beauty bar monrovia

forecast coming up back to you. numbers of newport beach church worshipped outside, they were protesting sale of the building, the st. james was padlocked by the bishop of the diocese last week, church members are fighting back in court.

reporter: they came to worship like any other is up day, but this day, parishioners of st. james the great were not allowed to praise beneath so they sang under its shadow. debbie could not believe it when sheheard that episcopal diocese came and locked it up.

they disconnected the phone could and said good out. the l.a. bishop john bruno said he was selling the property to a developer, the church would be torn down, in its place condos, just feet from the beach, it is wore worth million, the -- they form a board, built a web site,

looked for a new building with weddings plans, they were told they had until oc, but they did not. he can do whatever he wants. reporter: church leaders say 70 years ago st. james the great was built on a catch. it was to remain a church in

perpetuity. reporter: it was donated with the understanding it was 58 ways used -- always used as a church some when someone wants to donate anything, and inper tutsi it should remain in person perp. sue the company last week are in title slappedder, they are

the donor,. reporter: so it continues. the 200 members of. st. james the great will

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